Warm-Up 100 Meter Jog10 Mountain Climbers10 Sit-Ups10 Pineapple Pickers WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete a 20 Minute AMRAP: 1,000 Meter Row50 Burpees50 Alternating DB Snatches 50/3550 Partner Med Ball Sit-Ups 20/14Read More
Warm-Up 100 Meter JogSkipping High Knees —>Running High Knees <—10 Pineapple Pickers Strength/Skill EMOM For 9 Miunutes High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean @70% 1RM WOD 12 Minute AMRAP: 6 Toes-to-Bar10 Push-Ups12 Deadlifts 185/13514 Double-UndersRead More
Warm-Up 3 Sets: 100 Meter Jog10 Goblet Squats10 reverse Lunges10 Mountain Climbers Strength/Skill Overhead Squat OR Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Pause two seconds at the bottom of each rep WOD Complete 5 Rounds For Time: 10 Hang Power Snatch 95/6520 Air SquatsRead More
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 5 Cal Ski10 Push-ups10 Air Squats10 Ring Rows WOD 5 Sets, not for time: Bench Press x 5Barbell Row x 7DB Walking Lunge x 10D Ball Carry x 100 MetersRead More
Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row Then, 3 Rounds: 100 Meter Jog10 Pineapple Pickers10 Halo Squats Squats10 Halo Mountain Climbers Strength/Skill Back Squat 7 Sets: 3 Reps @ 65% WOD Complete the following for time: 25-15-5 KBS 70/53BurpeesRead More
WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete a 20 Minute AMRAP: 200 Meter Run*5 Burpees10 Wall Balls 20/1415 KBS 53/35 *One partner runs while the other completes as many reps as possible of the “work”. When the running partner returns they will pick-up where the other left off.Read More
Warm-Up 100 Meter JogSkipping High Knees —>Running High Knees <—10 Pineapple Pickers Strength/Skill EMOM For 9 Miunutes High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean @65% 1RM WOD Row 500 meters for time (max effort) Then, Row the amount of time it took to complete your first effort. Record the distance. Then,...Read More