Warm-Up 3 Sets: 20 Banded Pull-aparts100 Meter jog:20 Bar hang5 Up downs Strength/Skill 10 Minutes to work n gymnastics skills of your choice WOD 7 Sets for max reps: :30 Burpee pull-ups, 6″ targetRest :30:30 Shuttle run x 25′Rest :30:30 Ski, caloriesRest :30Read More
Warm-Up 3 Sets: 5 Cal Bike or Ski20 Banded Pull-aparts100 Foot Bottoms Up KB Carry (switch at arms at 50):30 Plank Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 10@60%8@65%6@70%4@75%3@80%10@50% WOD For time: 2,000 Meter row30 Alternating pistols30 hang cleans 155/105Read More
Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski then, 3 sets: 10 PVC pass-through lunges:20 bar hang10 Ring rows Strength/Skill 5 Sets: Snatch x 3 reps WOD For time: 50 calorie bike400 meter med-ball run 20/14400 meter single famer carry 53/35200 meter double farmer carryRead More
Warm-up 2 Minute Bike, Row, or Ski 3 sets: 10 halo monster walks10 goblet squats10 ring rows:30 plank or hs hold Strength/Skill Back squat 14 Minutes to build to a heavy single or work on technique WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: 8 Pull-ups10 KB Goblet squats 53/3512 KBSRead More
Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike, row, ski Then, 3 Rounds: 20 Banded Pull-aparts5 Bottoms up KB Press10 Moutain Climbers Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 10@55%8@60%6@65%4@70%4@75% WOD Complete the Following For Time: 1,000 Meter Row or ski Then, 3 Rounds.. 15 Push press 95/6515 Burpees Over the BarRead More
Strength/Skill Clean 4 Sets: 3 @ 85% WOD Teams of two, for time: 4 power cleans 155/10550 calorie bike or ski8 power cleans50 calorie bike or ski12 power cleans50 calorie bike or ski16 power cleans50 calorie bike or ski20 power cleansRead More