
Warm Up 2 Minute Row, Bike, or Ski Then 3 Sets: 10 Ring Rows10 Halo Squats10 Reverse Lunges:30 Plank or HS Hold Strength/Skill Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 @ 70% WOD Complete the following for time: 21-15-9 Push Press 95/65Toes-to-BarBurpees
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Warm Up 2 Minute Row, Bike, or Ski Then 3 Sets: 10 PVC Pass Throughs10 Sit-Ups5 Bottoms Up Press:30 Plank or HS Hold WOD Teams of two, alternate full rounds to complete a 20 Minute AMRAP: 10 Calorie Row10 Thrusters 95/65
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Veterans Day Schedule: No 5:30 or 6:30 PM classes. All other classes on normal schedule Warm-up 2 Minute Bike or Row 3 sets: 10 Mountain Climbers10 Ring Rows:15 Bar Hang WOD “Bradley” 10 rounds for time of:Sprint 100 meters10 Pull-upsSprint 100 meters10 BurpeesRest 30 seconds 35 Minute Time Cap
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Warm Up 2 Minute Row, Bike, or Ski Then 3 Sets: 10 PVC Pass Throughs10 Sit-Ups5 Bottoms Up Press:30 Plank or HS Hold Strength/Skill EMOM For 7 Minutes High Hang Snatch x 3 Reps @60% WOD “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double-UndersSit-Ups Compare to: 8/24/2022
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 3 Inchworms5 Cal Bike or Row10 Pineapple Pickers10 Sit-Ups Strength/Skill Clean Every 90 Seconds for 4 Sets: Clean x 2 Reps @ 85% WOD 1,000 Meter Row Then, 3 Sets: 15 Box Jumps or Step-Ups15 Deadlifts 225/155
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Check Out Our Gym Near Belfair
Warm Up 2 Minute Row, Bike, or Ski Then 3 Sets: 10 Sit-Ups5 Bottoms Up Press10 Reverse Lunges:30 Plank or HS Hold Strength/Skill Push Press 5-5-5-5 @ 70% WOD Complete 5 Rounds For Max Reps: :30 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch 50/35:30 Rest:30 Alternating Pistols:30 Rest:30 Bike For Calories:30 Rest
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Warm Up 2 Minute Row, Bike, or Ski Then 3 Sets: 10 Ring Rows10 Halo Squats10 Reverse Lunges:30 Plank or HS Hold Strength/Skill Back Squat 6-6-6-6 @ 65% WOD 9 Minute AMRAP: 10 Pull-Ups15 Burpees
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 5 Cal Row, Ski, Bike, or Run 100 m10 Box Step Ups8 Reverse Snow Angels10 Pineapple Pickers WOD Complete 2 Sets For Max Reps: 1:00 SkiRest 1 Minute1:00 Wall BallsRest 1 Minute1:00 RowRest 1 Minute1:00 KBS 53/35Rest 1 Minute
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 100 Meter Jog10 Box Step Ups8 Reverse Snow Angels20 Banded Pull-aparts Strength/Skill 10 Minutes to work on gymnastics skills of your choice Examples: 3 Sets: :30 HS Hold5 Toes-to-bar EMOM 10 Minutes Station 1 – Ring RowsStation 2 – Sit-ups WOD 0:00 – 10:00 Build to a Back Squat 10 Rep Max...
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 3 Inchworms5 Cal Bike or Row10 Reverse Lunges:20 Bar Hang WOD EMOM For 24 Minutes (8 Sets) Station 1 – Strict Pull-Ups x 5-7 RepsStation 1 – Overhead Plate Sit-Ups x 10 RepsStation 1 – Alternating Pistols x 8 Reps
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