Holiday Schedule: 12/31: 5, 6, 8:30 Legends, 9:30, 10:30 AM, 3:30 PM 1/1: 9:30 AM WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete a 20 Minute AMRAP: 1,000 Meter Row or 40 Claorie Bike 30 Hang Power Cleans 115/80 20 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115/80Read More
WOD Teams of Two, One Person Working at a Time, Complete the Following for Time: 3,000 Meter Row 80 Alternating Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Push Jerk 50/35 80 DB Facing BurpeesRead More
Strength/Skill Dungeness Complete 6 Sets of: Power Snatch x 2 Reps – Weight By feel Octopi Complete 6 Sets: Snatch x 2 Reps – Weight By feel WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: 800 Meter Run Then, With the Remainder of the Timeā¦ 15 KBS D = 53/35 O = 70/53 10 Rerverse Goblet KB Lunges D...Read More
Holiday Schedule: 12/24: 5:00, 6:00, 9:30, 10:30 12/25: closed 12/26: 9:30, 10:30, 3:30 All other classes this week will run as scheduled. WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, alternate full rounds to complete a 24 minute AMRAP: 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Deadlifts 155/105 5 Hang Power Cleans 155/105Read More
WOD Teams if two, one person working at a time, complete the following for time: 50 Burpees Then, 40 Partner Medball Sit-Ups 20/14 60 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges 53/35 80 KBS 53/35 40 Partner Medball Sit-Ups 60 KB Goblet Reverse Lunges 80 KBS 40 Partner Medball Sit-UpsRead More
We hope you’re enjoying some time with friends and family during this holiday season while also finding one hour each day to improve your health and fitness. We’ve expanded our gym to the space next-door which now allows us to run two different classes at the same time! We have big plans for the new...Read More
Strength/Skill Dungeness Complete 5 Sets of: Power Snatch from Below the Knee x 3 Reps @ 70% Octopi Complete 5 Sets: Snatch from Below the Knee + OHS @ 70-75% WOD Complete the Following for Time: 60 Calorie Row 40 Wall Balls 20/14 30 Single Arm Alternating DB Snatch D = 50/35 O – 70/50...Read More