Nothing says winter in the PNW like a good bowl of chili. It’s hearty, easy to make, easy to reheat, and depending on your ingredients it can be healthy. For the past several years the gym has gotten together at long time NXNW members Drew and Rachel’s house for the annual chili cook-off. Unfortunately, we...Read More
Stuck working from home all day? Read here for a great way to break up your day with fitness! Warm-up :20 Tip Toe Walk:20 Running High Knees:20 Skipping High Knees Then, 2 Sets: 10 Dynamic Pigeons20′ Bear Crawl, Forwards20′ Bear Crawl, BackwardsLunge Matrix x 2 reps each leg shoulder/running mobility WOD “Nicole” 20 Minute AMRAP:...Read More
Many of us find ourselves working or attending school from home these days. It’s important to find a way to way to stay fresh, focused, and healthy while being stuck in front of a computer. A quick break will get your eyes off the screen and your mind off work while improving your health. During...Read More
Warm-up Preform 3 Sets of the following: :20 of Shoulder taps(scale on elevated object, box, couch etc…)Rest :10:20 of Sit-upsRest :10:20 of Air SquatsRest :10:20 of ScorpionsRest :10 Stretch/Mobility WOD Complete the Following for Time: 100 Push-Ups* *Complete 15 Air Squats each time you have to stop, pause, or your push-ups get ugly. Avoid forcing...Read More
Warm-Up GENERAL WARM-UP: Work for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, alternating between each movement, 2 sets: Hop in Place Push-UpsAir SquatsSquat Thrusts SPECIFIC WARMUP: Double Under “Penguin Drill” :30sec Jump w/ Single Hand-taps (without rope):30sec Jump w/ Double Hand-taps (without rope)1min Single/Double Under Practice or Jumping Jacks Burpee Warmup 10 Stepping Back/Stepping Up10...Read More
Warm-Up 2 Sets: 20 Mountain Climbers10 Pineapple Pickers10 Yogi Push-Ups Stretch WOD 20 Minute AMRAP: 5 Burpees15 Sit-Ups10 Deadlifts Equipment Scaling Deadlifts: Use barbell, Db’s, Kb’s, Back pack or any wiehted object. For an extra challenge, find an odd object (rock, log etc..).Read More
Warm-Up 2 Sets: 1 Minute run, row, bike, jog in place:15 Tuck Hold:30 Superman Hold:30 Push-Up Plank Hold WOD 6 Minute AMRAP: 10 Front Squats10 Pull-Ups, ring rows, towel rows, or DB Rows Rest 2 Minutes 6 Minute AMRAP: 25′ Bear Crawl or :15 Stationary Bear25′ Broad JumpRead More
Warm-Up 1 Minute Jog in place or out :30 and back10 Jumping Jacks10 Knee Hug to Twisting Lunge10 Jumping Jacks10 Squat Jumps10 Jumping Jacks10 Pineapple Pickers10 Jumping Jacks1 Minute Jog in place or out :30 and back Mobility Then, with your weighted object… 5 Deadlifts5 Push Press5 Lateral jumps over object5 Burpees WOD EMOM for...Read More