Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row Then, 3 Rounds: 100 Meter Jog10 Pineapple Pickers20 Banded Pull aparts:15 Bar hang Strength/Skill Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2 WOD Complete For Time: Row 1,500 Meters15 Toes-to-Bar20 Alternating Single DB Lunges 50/3515 Toes-to-Bar20 Alternating Single DB Lunges Hold the dumbbell any way you wantRead more
Teams of two, with one person working at a time, complete a 20 Minute AMRAP: 800 Meter Med Ball Relay Run, 4 x 200 20/14 (one partner runs at a time, switch every 200 meters)50 Wall balls 50 Med ball Sit-upsRead more
Warm-Up Tabata row or bike Then, 3 Sets: 3 Inchworms:10 Bar Hang10 Mountain Climbers WOD “Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Bench Press (body weight/ 3/4 body weight)Pull-ups Rest as needed between movements & sets Score = total reps 20 Minute Time CapRead more
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 5 Cal Row10 Ring Rows10 Air Squats10 PVC Pass Throughs Strength/Skill EMOM For 7 Minutes 3 Hang Snatches (above knee) @ 70% 1RM WOD 4 Sets For Max Reps :30 Ski Calories:30 Rest:30 Burpee Box Step-Overs:30 Rest:30 Man Makers:30 RestRead more