Warm-up 3 Sets: 10 Pineapple pickers10 Air squats10 Ring rows:15 Bar hang Strength/skill Four sets of: Deadlift x 3 reps @ 20X1 Rest 20 seconds Tall Box Jumps x 5 reps (land as high and soft as possible, then step down, reset and repeat – the goal is to jump as high as possible on...Read More
Warm-up 2 minute bike, row, ski then… 2 sets: :15 Plank or HS hold5 Bottoms up kb press100 Meter jog Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 8@65%6@75%4@80%3@85%2@90%10@50% -Perform 5 single arm DB rows/arm between each set of press. WOD Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets): 400 Meter Run250 Meter row or ski12 Alternating DB snatch 50/35...Read More
Strength/Skill Power clean 3-3-3-3-3 Weight by feel WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, alternate movements for 15 Minutes: 5 Front squats 135/955 Toes-to-bar5 Shoulder to overheadRead More
Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 10 Pineapple pickers:15 HS or plank hold3 Inchworms WOD Three rounds for time: 1000 Meter Row or ski15 Burpees100 Meter single arm farmer carry 70/5330 Walking Lunges15 KBS 70/53Read More
Warm-up 3 Sets: 10 DB Floor press:15 Bar hang10 Ring rows Strength/skill Bench press 6-6-6-6-6 Try to increase weight from last week WOD 4 Sets for max reps: :30 Dips:30 Rest:30 Strict supine pull-ups:30 Rest:30 Sit-ups:30 RestRead More
Warm-up 3 Sets: 10 Banded good mornings100 Meter jog50′ Skipping high knees10 Goblet squats Strength/skill Four sets of: Deadlift x 5 reps @ 20X1Rest 20 secondsTall Box Jumps x 5 reps(land as high and soft as possible, then step down, reset and repeat – the goal is to jump as high as possible on every...Read More
Warm-up 2 minute bike, row, ski then… 2 sets: :15 Plank or HS hold5 Bottoms up kb press20 Single-unders Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 10@60%8@65%6@70%4@75%3@80%10@50% -Complete 5 DB rows per arm after each set. WOD 10 Minute AMRAP: 5 Power snatch 115/7510 Buprees over the bar20 Double-undersRead More
Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row 3 Sets: 10 Ring rows10 KB deadlifts2 Lunge matrix/side Strength/Skill Box Squats 5-5-5-5-5 @ 21X1 WOD Fran For time: 21-15-9:Thrusters 95/65Pull-upsRead More
Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 100 Meter jog10 Ring rows3 Inchworms WOD Teams of two 20 Minute AMRAP: 400 Meter run5 Shoulder to overhead 155/10510 Pull-ups15 Sit-ups One partner runs awhile the other completes as many reps of the movements as possible. Pick up where the other left off after each run.Read More