Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row Then, 3 Rounds: 100 Meter Jog10 Mountain Climbers10 Pineapple Pickers10 Sit-Ups Strength/Skill EMOM For 8 Minutes: High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean @ 60% of Clean Power or full WOD Complete 4 Sets For Max Reps: :30 Bike For CaloriesRest :30:30 Medicine Ball Sit-UpsRest: :30:30 Hang Power...Read More
Warm-up 2 Minute Row Then, 3 Sets: 100 Meter Jog:15 Bar Hang20 Banded Pull-aparts3 Inchworms Strength/Skill Bench Press 12 Minutes to build to a heavy single WOD Complete a 16 Minute AMRAP: 5 Burpess Over the DB5 Single ARM DB Push Press, Right Arm 50/355 Single ARM DB Push Press, Left Arm 50/355 Toes-to-Bar200 Meter...Read More
Warm-up 2 Minute Row Then, 3 Sets: 5 Plank Burpees:15 Bar Hang10 Squats Strength/Skill Front Squat 5-5-5-5 Build throughout WOD “Jackie” Complete the following for time: 1,000 meter Row50 Thrusters (45/35 lb bar)30 Pull-Ups Compare to: 7/5/2022Read More
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more content! Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row Then, 3 Rounds: 100 Meter Jog10 Mountain Climbers10 Pineapple Pickers5 Plank Burpees WOD Teams of two, alternate movements to complete a 20 Minute AMRAP: 10 Toes-to-Bar150′ Shuttle Run (3 down & back)50 Meter Farmers Carry 70/5310 Calorie Bike10 BurpeesRead More
Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row Then, 3 Rounds: 100 Meter Run:15 Bar Hang10 Pineapple Pickers Strength/Skill Snatch 12 Minutes to build to a heavy single or work on technique WOD 3 Rounds For Time: 25 KBS 53/3515 Pull-UpsRead More
Welcome to the new website! Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row Then, 3 Rounds: 20 Single Unders125 Meter Row10 Halo Monster Walks WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: 15 Double-Unders10 Wall Balls 20/148 Deadlifts 135/956 Hang Power CleansRead More
Start this fall season by being consistent with our 20 day challenge and you’ll have the chance to win a $100 Rogue Fitness gift card! How it works: Attend 20 classes between Monday, October 3rd, and Monday, November 7th, and your name will be entered to win. If you make it to the gym at...Read More