Warm-Up2:00 Bike, Row, Ski 2 Rounds: :15 Bar Hang:20 Palloff Hold:20 Plank or HS Hold10 Goblet Squats Strength/Skill Back Squat6-6-6-6 @65% WOD Conditioning challenge:20:00 to establish max meters on a machine of your choice. -You’ll see six interval workouts throughout the month to build stamina and practice pacing. We’ll be retesting this workout at the...Read More
Strength/Skill Snatch 5 Sets: 1 High Hang + 2 Above Knee 60% WOD Teams of Two, one person working at a time, complete for time: 800 Meter run– Split the runs 60 Deadlifts 225/125 -Both partners perform 4 burpees at the TOP of each minute. Finish with… 1,000m row– Split the rowRead More
Warm-Up 2:00 Bike, Row, Ski 3 Sets: :30 Single-Unders:30 Mountain climbers:30 Squat Hold Strength/Skill Pause Front Squat 5-5-5-5 @ 21X1 WOD Complete 3 Rounds For Time: 21 Hang Power Clean 95/6521 Double-Unders21 Sit-UpsRead More
Warm-Up 2:00 Bike, Row, Ski 3 Rounds: :20 HS or Plank Hold:15 Bar Hang10 Ring Rows WOD EMOM For 20 Minutes (5 Sets): Station 1 – Wall Walks x 3Station 2 – Box Jumps or Step-Ups x 10Station 3 – Strict Pull-Ups x 5-10Station 4 – Deficit Push-Ups x 10Read More
Warm-Up2:00 Bike, Row, Ski3 Rounds:10 Ring Rows10 Pineapple Pickers:20 Palloff Hold10 Halo Monster Walks Strength/SkillBack Squat5-5-5-5 @75% WOD 21-15-9 Burpees over DBAlternating DB snatches 50/35Toes to barRead More
Holiday Schedule: Saturday – Murph 8:30 am & 10:00 amSunday – ClosedMonday – Closed WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete the following for time: Row 5k (switch every 250 meters) *Worried about finding a partner? This can also be done solo, resting 1:00 after each effort.Read More
Warm-Up 2:00 Bike, Row, Ski 3 Rounds: 20 Alternating Leg Single Unders10 Pineapple Pickers:15 Goblet Squat Hold10 Ring Rows Strength/Skill 3 Sets: 5 Strict HSPU or Unsupported Seated Press3 Broad Jump14 Alternating Pistols WOD Four Rounds For Time: 5 Hang Power Cleans 135/957 Front Squats21 Double-UndersRead More