WOD Dungeness In teams of two, partners will alternate complete rounds, to complete a 30 minute AMRAP of: 15 Calorie Row OR 12 Calorie Bike 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Octopi In teams of two, partners will alternate complete rounds, to complete a 30 minute AMRAP of: 15 Calorie Row OR 12 Calorie Bike...Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Snatch from above the knee 12 Minutes to build to a heavy single OR work on technique WOD Complete the following for time: 1,000 Meter Row 30 Burpees Over the Bar 15 Hang Power Snatches 135/195 15 Minute time capRead More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets): Front Squat x 3 reps @ 75% WOD Complete the following for time: 200 Meter Farmer Carry 70/53 15 Deadlifts 275/190 15 Burpees over the bar 10 Deadlifts 10 Burpees over the bar 5 Deadlifts 5 Burpees over the barRead More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Back Squat 10@55% 8@65% 6@73% 4@77% WOD “Helen” Complete 3 rounds for time: 400 Meter run 21 KBS 53/35 12 Pull-ups Compare to: 6/11/2018Read More
WOD Choose one of the following to complete for time: Run 5K (To Annapolis dock & back) OR Row 5K OR Bike 10K (6.2 miles on air assault bike) Try to choose the option you’re least comfortable with.Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Overhead Squats 5-4-3-2-2 Build Throughout WOD Complete the following for time: 50 Wall-balls 20/14 Run 400 Meters 30 Toes-to-barRead More
Dungeness & Octopi WOD EMOM for 24 minutes (6 sets): Minute 1 – KB Reverse Goblet Lunges x 10 reps 70/53 Minute 2 – Burpee Pull-Ups x 5 reps (Choose a bar at least 6″ above reach) Minute 3 – Single-Arm DB Row x 6 each arm Minute 4 – Jerk (Push or Split) x...Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Pause Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 Perform reps with tempo of 23X2 (2 down, 3 at bottom, fast up, rest 2). Build throughout. WOD Dungeness Complete a 10 Minute AMRAP: 9 Deadlifts 135/95 7 Burpees Over the Bar 5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 5 Front Squats Octopi Complete a 10 Minute AMRAP: 9...Read More