Strength/Skill Dungeness & Octopi Complete 5 Sets: Power Clean x 5 Reps Weight by feel WOD Complete the following for Time: 1,000 Meter Row Then, 4 Rounds 10 Deadlifts 225/155 20 Straight Leg Sit-Ups 15 Minute Time CapRead More
Strength/Skill Dungeness 4 Sets, Not for Time: Strict C2B Pull-Ups x 5-10 Reps Hollow Hold x 30 Seconds + Superman Hold x 30 Seconds DB Bench Press, Neutral Grip x 8 Reps Octopi 3 Sets, Not for Time: Strict Ring to Sternum Pull-ups, False Grip x 3-5 Reps Hollow Hold x 30 Seconds + Superman...Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Back Squat 6@70% 5@75% 4@80% 3@85% 1@90% WOD Complete Three Rounds for Time: 400 Meter Run 15 Burpees 15 Kettle-Bell Swings D + 53/35, O = 70/53 16 Minute Time CapRead More
WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete the following for time: 2 Mile Relay Run (switch every 400 Meters) 40 D-Ball Ground to ShoulderRead More
Strength/Skill Dungeness Power Snatch 4@65% 3@70% 3@75% 2@80% 3@75% Octopi Snatch 4@65% 3@70% 3@75% 2@80% 3@75% Reset between each rep WOD EMOM for 15 Minutes (5 Sets): Minute 1 – Bike 10/8 Calories or Row 14/12 Calories Minute 2 – KB or DB Walking Lunges x 50′ Minute 3 – Single Arm DB Snatch x...Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Front Squat 15 Minutes to Build to a heavy single or Work on Technique Compare to: 6/26/2019 WOD Complete the following for time: 60/50 Calorie Row 40 KBS D = 53/35; O = 70/53 25 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 400 Meter Run 15 Minute Time CapRead More
Strength/Skill Dungeness 3 Sets, Not for Time: Strict C2B Pull-Ups x 5-10 Reps Hollow Hold x 15-30 Seconds DB Bench Press, Neutral Grip x 10 Reps Octopi 3 Sets, Not for Time: Strict Ring to Sternum Pull-ups, False Grip x 3-5 Reps Hollow Hold x 30 Seconds DB Bench Press, Neutral Grip x 10 Reps...Read More
WOD 20 Minute AMRAP: 400 Meter Farmer Carry 70/53 1,000 Meter Row Then, With the Remainder of the 20 Minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 7 Burpees Over the Bar 7 Deadlifts 225/155 21 Straight Leg Sit-UpsRead More