
WOD Build your own 20 Minute EMOM: Minute 1 – Movement of your choice Minute 2 – Movement of your choice -Choose two movements which are weaknesses and make your own EMOM. Choose a rep range which ensures you get at least 20-30 seconds rest each minute. \ Example: Minute 1 – 8 Pistols Minute 2 – 30 Second HS Hold
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WOD The weather is going to be nice today, followed by several days of cooler temperatures. Take advantage and go for hike, run, paddle, walk, pretty much anything outside. We’re fortunate to live in an area where we can find plenty of space to ourselves outdoors. If you are looking for workout ideas, email me [email protected] and I’ll put something together for you. We’re also available for online calls through Zoom to help walk you through a workout!
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Click Here for a full list of online classes including, Sweat, Yoga, and Happy Hour[0]=68.ARDEAg_d0VnfuX0AbU5ywxSscPSKiyzk1sHj2TPZAvMguqXtrbL9N1_xj67KrNxTb_SyAoyqGJjwNh0ZndfJqpYSQK2JA3_SXam1Z335pRZc195uIYF1vljUBAVOT-zs7kfExR-KNEta17eRBh9n4gqAvFDze0IWfES5mYH6tGaIq2HSLYg96HBDT4w5kYRA4tJnDlzZ270ugAwmvCm4MXetrvj2pLFO67kJKIRhHKEC6DvrcZe67dtn9VM9zJ0HTw7guUPMDC1IJfXS3HziF76L15jMZeGW5jEV3edhRX57HBfWN5HoCXneUCwRd3IOrGDhYt4lDZNhXREgE_mORsluVg Warm-Up -10 Pineapple Pickers-10 Alternating Hand to toes-5 Single Arm DB Rows, each arm – use any Object -Elbow on Wall-Straddle Middle (Focus on keeping s straight back, only lean far enough forward to feel a stretch)-Straddle Left-Straddle Right WOD 8 Minute AMRAP 15 Ground-to Overhead20 Air Squats Rest 2 Minutes 8 Minute AMRAP: 15 Sit-Ups50′ Bear Crawl Equipment Scaling & Modifications Ground to Overhead -Use any object. Barbell, Plate, DB, Firewood, Chair, Milk Jug, Etc.. Bear Crawl -If you are limited in space, measure and repeat the crawl to complete 50′.
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Click Here For Virtual Class Schedule & to Sign-up Warm-Up Complete 4 Sets: 100 Meter jog or :30 Stationary Jog or Jump rope :15 Bear Crawl 10 Sit-Ups Then, Roll out calves with roller or any object Beauty Queen WOD Complete 7 Rounds for Time: 100 Meter Farmer Carry 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Lateral Burpees over any object 21 Minute Time Cap Equipment & Scaling Farmer Carry Choose a heavy weight/distance that will take at least 1 minute. -Use heavy DB’s or KB’s, or two Barbells. -If you have no weights, find two heavy objects, or two bags and fill them with objects to make them heavy. -If you can’t find two heavy objects or two bags to fill, find one heavy odd object to carry, any way you can. Log, rock, tire, heavily loaded barrow etc… -Limited space? Carry back and forth in a small space, for about...
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Want More Instruction? Click Here For Virtual Classes Warm-Up 3 Sets: Reverse Snow Angels x 8 @ 2020 Calf Raises x 10 Scorpion x 6 Then, Calf stretch on wall Shoulder stretch on wall Pigeon Down Dog Pigeon ______________________________________________________________________________ WOD Complete Five, 3-minute AMRAPS: 20 Double-Unders or 40 Single Unders 4 Power Cleans 135/95 8 Push-Ups Rest 1 Minute Between Each Set ______________________________________________________________________________ Equipment Scaling Options No Jump Rope – 20 foot taps to an object or run in place 20 steps No Barbell – Use DB’s or KB’s. No Weights – Replace with box jumps (If you don’t have a box try using steps on your stairs or other elevated objects) No Box – Replace with Explosive Jumps Push-Ups – Scale to a higher object to maintain propper technique and full range of motion
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