
WOD Recovery Day. Sign-up for online Yoga Spend some time working on mobility, skills, and fundamentals Today’s mobility: Spend some time playing around with the couch stretch Today’s Skill/Fundamental: Spend some time becoming familiar, holding, and rocking in the hollow body position. Read more about how to practice at home HERE You can also complete our Saturday weightlifting and endurance workout which can be found at Beyond the Whiteboard (our code for a free account is NXNW736).
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Gyms are closed and many of us have some extra time on our hands. Now is a great time to focus on some fundamentals and skills which we can practice and perfect from home. Today we’re focusing on the hollow body position. The hollow body is a position which is fundamental to human movement and performance. We can take this shape which we practice on the floor and apply it to the pull-up bar, rings, lifting, or any athletic movement which requires neutral stability. We’re going to break it down and provide some formats in which you can practice from home. Begin in the “tuck” position. The lower back is pressed into the floor, ribs are down, our shoulder blades are off the ground, and our knees are tucked into our abdomen. The biggest mistake we see in the beginning is lifting the back off the ground. As we feel...
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Warm-Up 3 sets: Jumping Jacks x 25 RepsBarbell, Plate, or Backpack Row x 10 RepsPush-up Plank x :15Inchworms x 5 Reps WOD Complete 5 Rounds: Grasshoppers or Mountain Climbers x Max Reps(left+right=1 rep)Strict HSPU or Pike Push-ups or Seated DB Press x Max Reps -Rest as needed between each movement and each set to maximze reps.
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Sign-up for our online classes HERE Warm-Up 3 Sets: Mountain Climbers x :30Air Squats x 10 @22×1Hollow Hold x :15Superman Hold x :30 WOD EMOM for 21 Minutes (7 Sets): Station 1 – Burpees x 8 RepsStation 2 – Bear Hug Back Pack Squats x 12 RepsStation 3 – Back Pack Sit-Ups x 10 Reps Scaling and Equipment Modifications -Adjust your reps for each movement to allow 20-30 seconds of rest before moving on to the next movement.-If you don’t have a backpack, use DB’s, KB’s, Barbell, or other object and perform front squats.-Scale the back pack sit-ups with regular sit-up, or substitute any weighted object for backpack.
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: :30 Skipping High Knees10 Dynamic Pigeons:30 Shoulder Tapps (scale on knees)10 Pineapple Pickers Stretch/Mobility WOD Complete 3 Rounds for Time: 15 Toes-to-Bar or Anchored Leg Raises20 Deadlifts15 Hang Power Cleans Use any object for deadlifts and power cleans
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