
Warm-Up 3 Sets: 15 Jumping Jacks5 Slow Squats15 Mountain Climbers5 Slow Squats WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: 200 Meter Run5 Burpees15 Air Squats
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Warm-Up 1 Minute Jog in place or out :30 and back10 Jumping Jacks10 Twisting Reverse Lunges10 Jumping Jacks10 Squat Jumps10 Jumping Jacks10 Pineapple Pickers10 Jumping Jacks1 Minute Jog in place or out :30 and back WOD Complete 5 Rounds for Time: 100 Meter Farmer Carry25 KBS Equipment Scaling/Modifications Farmers Carry If you lack space, mark off the longest stretch you can and complete carry back and forth to complete the distance. You can also carry in place for 1 Minute. Choose any two objects which are challenging to carry. Examples: Water Jugs, weighted buckets, weighted back packs, DBs, KBs, towels attached to heavy objects… KBS If you don’t have a kettle bell, perform DB swings, weighted backpack swings, water jug swings, small child swings…
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Looking for something good to eat? Check out this award winning chili recipe! Warm-Up 2 Sets: :30 Mountain ClimbersRest :10:30 Goblet SquatsRest :10:30 Skipping High KneesRest :10 Then, 2 Sets: 5 Front Squats5 Push Press5 Thrusters5 Power Jumps5 Hang Power Cleans Stretch/Mobilty WOD Against a 2 minute clock, complete 6 sets of the following: 10 Thrusters15 Sit-UpsHang Power Clean x Max Reps Rest 2 Minutes between each setScore = # of HPC Equipment Scaling & Modifications Thrusters & Hang Power Clean Barbell, Dumbbells, KB’s, Weighted Back Pack, or any odd object
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Nothing says winter in the PNW like a good bowl of chili. It’s hearty, easy to make, easy to reheat, and depending on your ingredients it can be healthy. For the past several years the gym has gotten together at long time NXNW members Drew and Rachel’s house for the annual chili cook-off. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a cook-off this year due to covid. In honor of the annual cook-off, we’ll give you the 2019 CrossFit NXNW award winning Chili recipe (kind of). Today’s version of the recipe is slightly more healthy. Plus, if I gave you all the secret ingredients, I would have to… well, you know. This is how I cook it but feel free to ad or remove any ingredients and cook it how you like. What you’ll need: 2 lbs grass fed ground beef2 sweet onions2 jalapenos1 Anaheim pepper1 zucchini4 tomatoes1 yellow bell pepper1 red bell...
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Stuck working from home all day? Read here for a great way to break up your day with fitness! Warm-up :20 Tip Toe Walk:20 Running High Knees:20 Skipping High Knees Then, 2 Sets: 10 Dynamic Pigeons20′ Bear Crawl, Forwards20′ Bear Crawl, BackwardsLunge Matrix x 2 reps each leg shoulder/running mobility WOD “Nicole” 20 Minute AMRAP: 400 Meter RunPull-Ups x Max Reps Equipment modifications Scale today’s pull-ups with body rows or DB/random object rows. Click HERE for some ideas. Run scaling options: 20 cal bike500m row50 jumping Jacks or mountain climbers:90 jogging in place200 single unders
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