
Sign-up for our online classes HERE Warm-Up 3 Sets: Mountain Climbers x :30Air Squats x 10 @22×1Hollow Hold x :15Superman Hold x :30 WOD EMOM for 21 Minutes (7 Sets): Station 1 – Burpees x 8 RepsStation 2 – Bear Hug Back Pack Squats x 12 RepsStation 3 – Back Pack Sit-Ups x 10 Reps Scaling and Equipment Modifications -Adjust your reps for each movement to allow 20-30 seconds of rest before moving on to the next movement.-If you don’t have a backpack, use DB’s, KB’s, Barbell, or other object and perform front squats.-Scale the back pack sit-ups with regular sit-up, or substitute any weighted object for backpack.
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Here’s a 12 Days of Christmas workout which can be performed from home. All you need is one weighted object! For extra guidance, sign-up for one of Thursday morning’s interactive online classes! You’ll get feedback from a coach and be able to workout with other people! For an extra challenge, use a weighted backpack or vest for the body weight movements. Now onto the workout… WOD Perform to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas. For example: 100 meter run, then 2 wall walks 100 meter run, then 3 hang power cleans 2 wall walks 100 meter run, and so on… Your last round will be working form12 all the way down to 1! Please share pictures of your 12 days workout on social media and tag CrossFit NXNW! 100 Meter Run2 Wall Walks3 Hang Power Cleans4 Deadlifts5 Strict HSPU or L-Seated Press6 Pull-Ups or Rows7 Push-Ups8 Alternating Pistols or...
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: :30 Skipping High Knees:30 Dynamic Pigeons:30 Shoulder Tapps (scale on knees):30 Pineapple Pickers Stretch/Mobility WOD Complete 3 Rounds for Time: 15 Toes-to-Bar or Anchored Leg Raises20 Deadlifts15 Hang Power Cleans Use any object for deadlifts and power cleans
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Warm-Up 2 Sets: :30 Minute Jump Rope or Jog:30 Slow Air Squats:30 Jumping Jacks:30 Dynamic Scorpion:30 Push-Up Plank or HS Hold:30 Mountain climbers:30 Bar or DB Rows WOD Choose one of the following: “Cindy” 20 Minute AMRAP: 5 Pull-Ups10 Push-ups15 Air Squats OR “Mary” 20 Minute AMRAP: 5 Strict HSPU10 Alternating Pistols15 Pull-Ups
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GENERAL WARM-UP⁣⁣⁣ ❖ 10 minutes⁣: 1:00 jumping jacks⁣⁣ Squat prep cycle + 10 pass-throughs⁣⁣ 1:00 jump taps⁣⁣ Squat prep cycle + 10 pass-throughs⁣⁣ 1:00 lateral line jumps ⁣⁣⁣⁣ SPECIFIC WARM-UP ❖ 3 rounds:⁣⁣ 6 deadlifts to the knees ⁣⁣ 6 full deadlifts⁣⁣ 3 left/3 right single-arm front squats⁣⁣ 3 left/3 right single-arm thrusters⁣⁣ 6 sit-ups⁣⁣ 3 left/3 right step-ups⁣⁣ Weighted movements can be completed with dumbbells or substitute objects. WOD For time:50 dumbbell deadlifts50 AbMat sit-ups50 box step-ups50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters 50-lb. DBs, 24-in. box Time cap: 20 minutes
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