
Warm-Up 3 Stets: :30 Jog or Jumping Jacks3 Inchworms10 Pineapple Pickers Then, Stretch/Mobility WOD Complete Two Rounds of the Following For Time: 400m Run, 500m Row, 20 Cal Bike, or 200 Single-Unders, or Jog in place :9040 Air Squats30 Sit-Ups20 Push-Ups For an extra challenge, use a weight vest, weighted backpack, medicine ball, or frozen turkey during your run and other movements.
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: :30 Jog, Bike, Row, Jump Rope, or Jog in Place10 Air Squats10 Step Downs or Reverse Lunges5 Single Arm Strict Shoulder Press, Each Arm – Any Object then, Shoulder StretchScorpionPigeon ________________________________________________________ Strength/Skill 3 Sets: Broad Jump x 3 RepsTuck Hold x :30 Seconds ____________________________________________________________ WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: -20 Alternating Pistols or Reverse Lunges-10 Hang Power Cleans (Use Weighted Back Pack, Barbell, DB’s, KB’s, Sandbag)-5 Strict HSPU or 10 Push-Ups *Optional use of your weighted object during the pistols or lunges.
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Missing your gym friends and coaches? Try one of our new online classes HERE Warm-Up 3 Sets: Calf Raise (try to find an elevated surface) x 10 RepsPush-Up Plank Hold x 30 SecondsRussian Baby Makers x 10 Reps Then, Calf StretchRoll Calves – any object ______________________________________________ Strength/Skill Single Arm DB Rows (use any object) x 8 Reps Each ArmHS Walk x Max Distance or Wall Walk x 3 Reps or Stationary Inchworms x 3 Reps ______________________________________________ WOD “Annie” Reps For Time 50-40-30-20-10Double-UndersSit-Ups -Scale Du’s by doubling the reps with singles. Jog in pale 30 Seconds if you don’t have a Jump Rope
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: Reverse Snow Angels x 8 RepsReverse Alternating Lunges x 10 RepsStationary Inchworms x 3 Reps Then, PigeonScorpion Strength/Skill 3 Sets: Turkish Get-Up x 3 Reps Each Arm or Turkish Sit-Up x 6 RepsStrict Pull-Ups x 5-10 Reps Use any Object for Turkish Get-Ups. Start with no weight until you have the steps down. Find a pull-up spot if you don’t have a bar. Modify with towel Pull-Ups or Towel Rows. WOD Complete 5 Rounds for Time: 15 Back Pack Deadlifts15 Back Pack Push Press15 Burpees Over Back Pack Grab a Back Pack and fill to desired weight. Feel free to modify with a barbell, sandbag, or Dumbbells if you have them.
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WOD Build your own 20 Minute EMOM: Minute 1 – Movement of your choiceMinute 2 – Movement of your choice -Choose two movements which are weaknesses and make your own EMOM. Choose a rep range which ensures you get at least 20-30 seconds rest each minute. \ Example: Minute 1 – 8 PistolsMinute 2 – 30 Second HS Hold
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