
Reminder: Beginning This Week masks will be required during workouts in Washington State In-person (scroll below for online workout) Warm-Up Row 250 Meters, Then… 3 Sets: 3 Inchworms10 Reverse Lunges:30 Plank Strength/Skill 5 Sets: Deadlift x 7 RepsBox Jump x 4 Reps (Perform as singles, focus should be on explosiveness, landing with as staright of legs possilbe, and quietness) WOD 18 Minute EMOM (6 Sets): Single Arm DB Push Press x 5 Reps each arm 50/35Sit-Ups x 10 RepsAlternating Pistols or Reverse Lunges x 10 Reps ____________________________________________________________________ Online Warm-Up Run 200 Meters or 20 Jumping Jacks, Then… 3 Sets: 3 Inchworms10 Reverse Lunges:30 Plank Strength/Skill 5 Sets: Deadlift x 7 RepsBox Jump x 4 Reps or Power Jumps (Perform as singles, focus should be on explosiveness, landing with as staright of legs possilbe, and quietness) WOD 18 Minute EMOM (6 Sets): Single Arm DB Push Press x 5 Reps each...
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Reminder: Beginning Monday masks will be required during workouts in Washington State In-person (scroll below for online and sweat workouts) Warm-Up Row 250 Meters, Then… 2 Sets: 10 Pineapple Pickers5 Dynamic Scorpion3 Stationary Inchworms Strength/Skill 3 Sets: High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean(Weight by Feel) Then, 5 Sets: Supine Barbell Row x 6 RepsDefecit Push-Ups or Push-Ups x 5-10 Reps WOD Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes (5 Sets): Row 250 Meters ______________________________________________________________________________ Online Warm-Up Row 250 Meters, Then… 2 Sets: 10 Pineapple Pickers5 Dynamic Scorpion3 Stationary Inchworms Strength/Skill 3 Sets: High Hang Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean-If you don’t have a barbell, perform with any weighted object, and perform 10 Sit-Ups and 15 Air Squats between each set. Then, 5 Sets: Supine Barbell Row x 6 RepsDeficit Push-Ups or Push-Ups x 5-10 Reps WOD Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes...
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Warm-up 3 Sets: 10 Squats20 Jumping Jacks:30 Plank WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: 5 Burpees10 Sit-Ups20 Walking Lunges
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Read everything you need to know about next week’s reopening Read about choosing the right mask as well as tips and tricks here Warm-Up :30 Tip toe walk:30 Heel Walk:30 Running high knees:30 Skipping high knees10 Shoulder taps3 Inchworms Then, 3 Sets: 10 KB Deadlifts5 Push-Ups3 Box Jumps or Step-ups WOD Complete 6 Rounds for Time: 5/3 Strict HSPU or Seated DB Press10 KB Swings7 Box Jumps or Step-ups Equipment scaling & modifications Use any object to complete your swings. Backpack, bucket, dumbbell etc.. If you can’t find an object for box jumps, complete tuck jumps.
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We hope you’ve all stayed healthy, safe, and sane during the past couple months and hopefully you’ve enjoyed the holidays. Words can’t describe how grateful we are for all you who have continued to support us the past 10 months, and we wouldn’t still be here without you! When all this is over we would love to get everyone together for a BBQ, just like the good old days! We’ve been given the green light to reopen, and we’re excited to get back to work! Here are all the specifics. First, we need to get equipment back in order to reopen. We’re hoping to reopen Monday, January 11th if we have enough of it back. If you aren’t ready to come back to the gym, let us know and we’ll work with you so you can continue working out at home with online classes. Equipment Drop off Times: Friday 12:00...
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