Strength/Skill Dungeness Complete 3 Rounds, not for time: Alternating DB Box Step-Ups x 10 RepsToes to Rings x 5-10 RepsUnsupported Seated Strict Barbell Press x 5 reps @ 20X2 Octopi Complete 3 Rounds, not for time: Alternating Pistols x 10 RepsSkin the Cat x 2-3 RepsStrict HSPU x 5-10 Reps @ 30X2 WOD Dungeness &...Read More
Programming note: Over the next 5 weeks Thursday workouts will be a bit different than usual, focusing on skill work and active recovery to ensure you’re fresh for the CrossFit open workouts each Friday. WOD A) Row or Bike 5-10 Minutes at a moderate pace. B) Choose two body weight/gymnastics movements to work on and...Read More
Strength/Skill Dungeness 5 Sets: Power Snatch x 3 Reps – Build throughout Octopi Snatch x 3 Reps – Take the time to reset after each rep, build throughout WOD Dungeness & Octopi Complete the following for time: 800 Meter Run Then, 3 Rounds of 6 Power Cleans 185/12520/17 Hand Release Push-Ups20 Double-Unders 15 Minute Time...Read More
Strength/Skill Dungeness Complete 3 Rounds, not for time: Alternating DB Box Step-Ups x 10 RepsRope Pulls from Ground x 2-3 RepsWall Walks x 2-3 Reps Octopi Complete 3 Rounds, not for time: Alternating Pistols x 10 RepsRope Climbs x 2-3 RepsHS Walk x max distance WOD Dungeness & Octopi Complete 4 Sets for Max Reps:...Read More
Strength/Skill Dungeness & Octopi 5@75%5@75%5@75%5@75% WOD Dungeness & Octopi 7 Minute AMRAP: 3 Thrusters 95/653 Burpees Over the Bar6 Thrusters6 Burpees Over the Bar9 Thrusters9 Burpees Over the Bar …. Keep increasing sets by 3 reps until the 7 minutes are up. Score = total reps.Read More
WOD “Lynne” Five rounds not for time:Bench press (RX=body weight men, 3/4 body weight women)Pull-ups Rest as needed between movements Score = total BP, Total PU Compare to: 7/21/2019Read More
Programming note: Over the next 5 weeks Thursday workouts will be a bit different than usual, focusing on skill work and active recovery to ensure you’re fresh for the CrossFit open workouts each Friday. WOD A) Row or Bike 5-10 Minutes at a moderate pace. B) Choose two body weight/gymnastics movements to work on and...Read More