Strength/Skill Dungeness 3 Sets, Not for Time: Bottoms-Up Kettle Bell Carry x 100 Feet Each Side C2B Pull-Ups x 5-10 Reps OH Plate Sit-Ups x 10-15 Reps Octopi 3 Sets, Not for Time: Bottoms-Up Kettle Bell Carry x 100 Feet Each Side Bar Muscle-Ups x 1-5 Reps or Bar MU progressions OH Plate Sit-Ups x...Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Bench Press 15 Minutes to build to a 3RM Compare to: 6/6/2019 WOD Complete the Following for Time: 400 Meter Run Then, 4 Rounds of 5 Power Cleans 185/125 10 Burpees Over the Bar Then, 400 Meter Run 15 Minute Time CapRead More
Saturday Schedule: Classes @ 8 am & 4:30 pm Parade @ 6:00 pm 8 AM WOD Complete the following for time: Row 5K OR Bike 220/200 Calories OR Run 5K 4:30 PM WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete the following for time: 100 Calorie Row or Bike 50 Burpee Pull-Ups...Read More
Saturday Schedule: Classes @ 8 am & 4:30 pm Parade @ 6:00 pm Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill OHS 2-2-2-1-1-1 – Build Throughout WOD Row 500 meters for time (max effort) Then, Row the amount of time it took your first effort. Record the distance. Then, Row the distance you completed during your second effort. Record...Read More
Only a couple days left to vote for best of South Kitsap! Please vote for “CrossFit NXNW” in both Athletic Center/Gym, and Trainer- Sport/Physical categories. You’ll also find many of our members nominated as well. Thanks for your support! Vote here: Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Complete 5 Sets: Bench Press x 3 @ 85-90%...Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Front Squat 15 Minutes to build to a heavy single or work on technique. WOD 50 Wall Balls 20/14 800 Meter Run 30 Deadlifts 225/155 20 Burpees Over the Bar 15 Minute Time CapRead More
Strength/Skill Dungeness 3 Sets, Not for Time: Contra-lateral Carry (one arm is overhead, the other in the farmer carry position) x 50 Meters Each Side C2B Pull-Ups x 5 Reps Handstand Hold on Wall x 10-30 Seconds Octopi 3 Sets, Not for Time: Contra-lateral Carry (one arm is overhead, the other in the farmer carry...Read More
Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 @ 80% WOD Complete the following for time: 15-12-9-6-3 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 Thrusters Compare to: 4/22/2019Read More
Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete a 20 Minute AMRAP of: 200 Meter Farmers Carry 70/53 (both partners walk but switch off with the KB’s as needed)100 Double-Unders (scale with 200 Singles)100 Single Arm Alternating DB Snatch 50/35100 Calorie Row or BikeRead More