Register for the Support Your Local Box Fundraiser online competition HERE. It’s free to register and workouts can be completed at home! Warm-Up 3 Sets: Reverse Snow Angels x 8 @ 2020Calf Raises x 10Scorpion x 6 Then, Calf stretch on wallShoulder stretch on wallCouch Stretch Strength/skill Complete 4 Sets: Floor Press x 10-15 RepsAlternating Pistols or Reverse Lunges x 14 Reps WOD Complete 6 Rounds for Max Reps: :30 seconds of DeadliftsRest :30 seconds:30 seconds of Double-UndersRest :30 seconds Scaling and Equipment Modifications Floor Press: Use a barbell, DB’s, KB’s, weighted pack pack, log. Choose your rep amount depending on how heavy an object you can find. If you only have one DB or KB, perform single arm floor press and switch arms. Deadlifts: Use a barbell, DB’s, KB’s, weighted pack pack, log, or any odd object. Choose a weight you can move somewhat consistently for :30. Double-Unders: Scale...
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