Dungeness & Octopi Complete 7 Sets: Power Clean x 2 Reps Start counting your sets at 70-75%, and build as you feel comfortable throughout the sets WOD Dungeness Complete the following for time: 50 Calorie Row10 Deadlifts 205/14020/15 Dips10 Deadlifts25/20 Hand Release Push-Ups10 Deadlifts25 Burpees10 Deadlifts 14 Minute Time Cap Octopi Complete the following for time: 50 Calorie Row10 Deadlifts 245/16520/15 Ring Dips10 Deadlifts25/20 Hand Release Push-Ups10 Deadlifts25 Burpees10 Deadlifts 14 Minute Time Cap
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Tuesday classes will run on scheduled. Strength/Skill 5@75%3@773@772@80%2@80%5@75% WOD “Fran” Complete the following for time: 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65Pull-ups Compare to: 7/2/2018
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Update: Due to icy road conditions we have cancelled all classes. Take a video or picture of yourself using your fitness in the snow, tag us, and use #crossfitnxnw on Facebook or Instagram. The best one will receive two free FitAids!
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In teams of two, complete the following: 20 Minute AMRAP: 5 Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Squats 500 Meter Row or 20 Calorie Bike* Partner A will complete the row/bike, while partner B completes as many reps of “the work” as possible. When partner A returns, they will alternate
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Strength/Skill Dungneness & Octopi Complete 5 Sets: Power Snatch x 3 Reps Perform all sets between 70%-80% of Snatch WOD Complete your choice of the following for time: Run 1 Mile Or Row 2,000 Meters Or Bike 100 Calories Compare to 12/21/2018
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