Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Walking lunges20 Mountain climbers3 Inchworms Strength/Skill 4 Sets, not for time: L-hang x max timeBroad jump x 3Handstand hold x :30 WOD 4 Rounds for time: 500 Meter Row or ski10 Front squats10 Burpees over the bar
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Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 100 meter jog5 bottoms up KB press/side10 Sit-ups:15 Bar hang Strength/Skill Push Jerk Warm-up to 65% of 1RM Then… EMOM x 1 rep adding 5-15 lbs each minute to build to a heavy single 12 Minute time cap No retries on missed attempts WOD 7 Minute AMRAP: 2 Alternating DB Snatch 70/532 Toes-to-Bar4 Alternating DB Snatch4 Toes-to-Bar6 Alternating DB Snatch6 Toes-to-Bar8 Alternating DB Snatch8 Toes-to-Bar…. Increase each set by two reps until the two minutes expire Compare to 3/29/2023
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Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 2 sets: Jump Rope x 60 secondsDumbbell Waiter’s Carry x 50ft per armPallof hold x 30 seconds per side WOD Every 2 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets) for max reps of: Station 1 – 60 seconds of Dumbbell Floor PressStation 2 – 60 seconds of Banded Overhead Triceps ExtensionsStation 3 – 60 seconds of Double-UndersStation 4 – 60 seconds of Strict Pull-UpsStation 5 – 60 seconds of Assault Bike Choose a floor press weight that you can move throughout the 60 seconds.
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Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 100 Meter jog10 Reverse lunges50′ Skipping high knees Strength/Skill Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 70% WOD Complete the Following For Time: 800 Meter Run Then, 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/155Box Jumps or Step-Ups 24/20 Compare to: 6/9/2024
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Strength/Skill Clean 3-3-3-3 85% WOD Teams of two, alternate movements for 16 Minutes: 5 Front Squats 165/1105/3 Strict Pull-ups100 Meter run10 Push-ups20 Double-unders
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