WOD A) Row or Bike 5-10 Minutes at a moderate pace. B) Choose two body weight/gymnastics movements to work on and complete a 10 Minute EMOM.. Example 1: Minute 1 – 5 Pull-UpsMinute 2 – 10 Sit-Ups Example 2: Minute 1 – 3 Bar Muscle-UpsMinute 2 – 8 Alternating Pistols *Be sure to choose movements and reps that won’t leave you feeling sore or fatigued on Friday. c) Complete 3 sets of the following, not for time: Supine Barbell Row x 6 Reps @20X1Superman Hold x Accumulate 45 SecondsHollow Hold x Accumulate 30 SecondsBottoms-up Kettle Bell Press x 5 Reps each arm
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