Labor Day Schedule: 9:30 & 10:30 AM WOD 20 Minute AMRAP: 200 Meter Farmer Carry 70/53 Then, With the Remaining Time: 5 C2B Pull-Ups 5 Single Arm DB Push-Press, Right Arm 5 Single Arm DB Push-Press, Left Arm 7 Burpees 14 Air SquatsRead more
WOD 20 Minute EMOM: Minute 1 – Gymnastics Movement of your choice Minute 2 – Gymnastics Movement of your choice -Choose two body-weight movements which are weaknesses and make your own EMOM. Choose a rep range which ensures you get at least 20-30 seconds rest each minute. Example: Minute 1 – 8 Pull-ups Minute 2 – 30 Second HS HoldRead more
Strength/Skill Dungeness & Octopi Complete 5 Sets: Hang Power Snatch x 3 Reps Perform all sets between 70%-80% of Snatch WOD Complete your choice of the following for time: Run 1 Mile Or Row 2,000 Meters Or Bike 100 Calories Compare to 7/26/2018Read more
Strength/Skill Dungeness & Octopi Shoulder Press 10@60% 8@65% 6@75% 4@80% 3@85% 10@50% WOD Complete every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes (3 sets): Min 1: Single Arm DB Row x 6 Reps Each Arm Min 2: Strict Supine Pull-Ups x 5-10 Reps Min 3: Farmer carry x 100 MetersRead more