Thursday 1/7/2021

Read about next week’s reopening HERE


10 Knee Hug to twisting lunge
:30 Tip toe walk
:30 Heel Walk
:30 Running high knees
:30 Skipping high knees


3 Sets:

6 Alternating Lunges
6 Push single arm press each arm
5 Pull-ups or rows


12 Minute AMRAP:

8 Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge, right arm
8 Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge, left arm
12 Pull-Ups
100 Meter Run

Equipment, scaling, and modifications:

Use any weighted object you can find for OH lunges.

Substitute rows, or db rows for pull-ups. Read more about how to modify pull-ups at home HERE.

If you don’t have safe space to run, jump rope, jog in place, or complete jumping jacks for 1 minute each round.