WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time: 1 Mile Medicine ball relay (4×400)20 DB Ground-to-Overhead 50/3540 DB Lunges60 DB Defecit push-ups40 DB Lunges20 DB Ground-to-Overhead1 Mile Medicine ball relay (4×400)Read More
Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 50′ Skipping high knees10 PVC passthrough lunges:15 HS or plank hold10 Sit-ups Strength/Skill 4 Sets: HS walk x max distance or Wall walks x 3Single arm KB front rack carry x 100 metersSingle arm DB row x 5/arm WOD 4 Sets for max reps: :30 Wall balls 20/14Rest...Read More
Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 50′ Skipping high knees10 Pineaple pickers8 Dynamic scorpions Strength/Skill 5 Sets: 1 Hang power clean + 3 power cleans WOD Complete the Following For Time: 800 Meter Run Then, 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/155Box Jumps or Step-Ups 24/20 Compare to: 7/14/2021Read More
Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: :15 Bar hang:15 HS or plank hold5 Up downs8 Reverse Snow Angels Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 5@65%4@70%3@75%1@85%1@90%1@95-100+%1@100+% WOD For time: 1,000 Meter row30 Shoulder-to-overhead 115/7530 Burpees over the barRead More
WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete a 20 minute AMRAP: 50 Calorie row50 Alternating DB snatches 50/3550 Burpees50 Calorie SkiRead More
Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 50′ Skipping high knees10 Pineaple pickers8 Dynamic scorpions Strength/Skill 5 Sets: 2 Hang power cleans + 2 power cleans WOD 12 Minute AMRAP: 10 Hand release push-ups15 KBS 53/3520 Sit-upsRead More