Strength/Skill Dungeness Complete 3 Sets, not for time: Strict Pull-Ups x 5-10 Reps Wall Walk x 3 Reps Single-Arm DB Row x 8 Reps Each Arm Octopi Complete 3 Sets, not for time: Ring to Sternum Pull-Ups (false grip) x 3 Reps HS Walk x 25 ft. Single-Arm DB Row x 8 Reps Each Arm WOD Dungeness 15 Minute AMRAP: 5 Push Press 115/80 10 KBS 53/35 20 Double-Unders Octopi 15 Minute AMRAP: 5 Strict HSPU 10 KBS 70/53 20 Double-Unders Compare to 6/27/2019
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