Warm-Up 1 Minute Jog in place or out :30 and back10 Jumping Jacks10 Twisting Reverse Lunges10 Jumping Jacks10 Squat Jumps10 Jumping Jacks10 Pineapple Pickers10 Jumping Jacks1 Minute Jog in place or out :30 and back WOD Complete 5 Rounds for Time: 100 Meter Farmer Carry25 KBS Equipment Scaling/Modifications Farmers Carry If you lack space, mark off the longest stretch you can and complete carry back and forth to complete the distance. You can also carry in place for 1 Minute. Choose any two objects which are challenging to carry. Examples: Water Jugs, weighted buckets, weighted back packs, DBs, KBs, towels attached to heavy objects… KBS If you don’t have a kettle bell, perform DB swings, weighted backpack swings, water jug swings, small child swings…
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