
Warm-up 2 Sets: :30 Jumping jacks:30 Pineapple pickers:30 Plank:30 Alternating toe touch Then, 3 Sets: Single Arm DB Deadlift x 6 reps each ArmSingle Arm DB Row x 6 reps each armSingle Arm DB Push Press x 6 reps each arm WOD Complete the Following for Time: 42 Alternating DB Snatch21 Burpees over DBs30 Alternating DB Snatch15 Burpees over DBs18 Alternating DB Snatch9 Burpees over DBs Equipment Scaling and Modifications If you don’t have a DB or KB, use any object you can find at home.
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Warm-up 2 Sets: :30 Jumping Jacks:30 Plank Hold:30 Air Squats:30 Shoulder Taps:30 Squat Hold Rest :10 – :15 between each movement WOD EMOM for 15 Minutes (5 sets): Station 1 – Floor Press x 10-15 RepsStation 2 – Hang to Overhead x 5Station 3 – Backpack Bear Hug Squat x 10 Rest 3 Minutes Then, Complete Two Rounds for Time: 10 Floor Press10 Hang to Overhead10 Backpack Bear Hug Squat Equipment Scaling and Modification: Floor Press Use DB’s, barbell, kettle bells, sandbag, backpack or any weighted object. If you’re unable to find an object, perform 10 hand release push-ups. Hang to Overhead Use DB’s, barbell, kettle bells, sandbag, backpack or any weighted object. Backpack Bear Hug Squat Replace with front squats using any weighted object. DB’s, barbell, kettle bells etc…
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: :15 Running High Knees:30 Plank Hold:15 Skipping High Knees:30 Squat Hold:15 Jumping Jacks:30 Rest WOD Complete the Following for Time: 50-40-30-20-10 reps of: Sit-UpsWalking Lunges
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Sign-up for an interactive online CrossFit class here! Warm-up 3 Sets: :30 Jump rope or jog in place:30 Plank hold10 Knee hug to lunge5 Latteral bear crawl, each direction WOD Complete 4, 3 Minute AMRAP’s: Accumulate :30 Hollow Hold20 Air SquatsBurpees x Max Reps Rest 2 minutes between each set Score = Total # of Burpees Read more about hollow holds here
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Warm-Up 3 sets: Jumping Jacks x 25 RepsBarbell, Plate, or Backpack Row x 10 RepsPush-up Plank x :15Inchworms x 5 Reps WOD Complete 5 Rounds: Grasshoppers or Mountain Climbers x Max Reps(left+right=1 rep)Strict HSPU or Pike Push-ups or Seated DB Press x Max Reps -Rest as needed between each movement and each set to maximze reps.
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