
Read about this year’s CrossFit Open and our Intramural Sign-up for our Intramural here! Warm-Up 3 Sets: 125 Meter Row3 Inchworms10 Sit-Ups Strength/Skill EMOM for 10 Minutes: 5 C2B Pull-Ups5 Burpees WOD EMOM for 10 Minutes: 20 KBS O = 70/53 D = 53/35
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Read about this year’s CrossFit Open and our Intramural Sign-up for our Intramural here! Warm-Up 3 Sets: 20 Jumping Jacks10 Pineapple Pickers20 Mountain Climbers WOD EMOM for 24 Minutes (8 Sets): Minute 1: Deadlift x 3Minute 1: Double-Unders x 20 RepsMinute 1: Alternating Pistols or Reverse Lunges x 10 Reps Sweat class Warm up 3 Sets: 10 banded pull aparts10 banded side steps10 bow and arrow WOD EMOM for 20 minutes Min1: 5-10 DB rowMin2: 20-30 double unders/40 singles/ 30 jacksMin3: 5-10 floor pressMin4: 10 goblet lunges
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Read about this year’s CrossFit Open and our Intramural Sign-up for our Intramural here! Warm-Up 3 Sets: 125 Meter Row5 Single Arm DB Front Squats5 Single Arm DB Push Press, Each Arm10 PVC Pass Through Strength/Skill Complete 5 Sets: Push Jerk x 5 Reps – Weight by Feel WOD 12 Minute AMRAP: 500 Meter Row5 Single Arm DB Thrusters, Right Arm 50/355 Single Arm DB Thrusters, Left Arm 50/3520 Sit-Ups
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Sign-up for this year’s Intramural here! The CrossFit Open is back after a brief hiatus. While this year is sure to be a bit different, we’re thrilled to continue the tradition of the Open and our own CrossFit NXNW Intramural! CrossFit has aimed to make this the most accessible Open yet, including workout options which can be completed at home, in person, or online. Whether this your first Open/Intramural, or you’re a long time participant, we have the answers to all your questions on how this year will work! What is the CrossFit Open? The CrossFit Games Open is the largest fitness competition on Earth and an exciting showcase of the CrossFit community. Anyone can sign-up to compete in five workouts over five weeks and post their scores online. You can sign-up online at What is the Intramural? Whether or not you sign-up for the official CrossFit Open online,...
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 10 Sit-Ups10 Pineapple Pickers10 Halo Squats20 Mountain Climbers Strength/Skill 5 Sets: 1 Clean + 3 Front Squats @ 80% of Clean 1RM WOD 3 Minute AMRAP: Burpee Box Jumps or Step-ups 24/20″ Rest 2 Minutes For Time: 800 Meter Run Score = Reps, Time Sweat class Warm up 2 Sets: :60 jog/ row10 jumping jacks10 mountain climbers10 yogi push-ups10 knee hug to lunge WOD 10 Minute AMRAP 10 air squats5 hang clean to push press10 push-ups5 hang clean to push press Rest 2 Minutes, Then… 3 Rounds: 10 bicycle crunches10 side plank crunches10 bird dog
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