Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Complete 5 sets of: Bench Press x 5 reps Ring rows x 8 reps @ 21X2 (2 down, 1 at bottom, explode up, 2 at top) WOD Complete 3 rounds for time: 10 Shoudler-to-overhead 115/85 30 Double-unders    
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2018 CrossFit Games Open & CrossFit NXNW Intramural What is the NXNW Intramural? The CrossFit NXNW Intramural is a way for everyone at NXNW to participate in the fun of the 2018 CrossFit Games Open.  Participants will be divided into 6 teams, when our team captains draft the teams. These teams will be competing against each other for a prize at the end of the 2018 Open. What is the CrossFit Games Open? The 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with the online Open. Anyone can sign up to compete in five workouts over five weeks and post their scores online. Last year, the Open reached more than 209,000 athletes from around the world. When & Where? The Open workouts will take place at CrossFit NXNW during class times, every Friday from February 23rd-March 30th. Every Thursday we will do a live Open announcement, featuring two of our athletes facing off...
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Strength/ skill Dungeness & Octopi Power Clean 5 minutes to build to to 75% Then, EMOM for 6 minutes: 3 Reps @ 75-85% _____________________ WOD Dungeness Complete a 4 minute AMRAP: 5 Deadlifts 225/155 7 Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 2 Minutes Complete a 4 minute AMRAP: 5 Deadlifts 225/155 7 Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 2 Minutes Complete a 4 minute AMRAP: 5 Deadlifts 225/155 7 Box Jumps 24/20 ___________________________ Octopi Complete a 4 minute AMRAP: 5 Deadlifts 225/155 7 Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 2 Minutes Complete a 4 minute AMRAP: 5 Deadlifts 275/190 7 Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 2 Minutes Complete a 4 minute AMRAP: 5 Deadlifts 315/220 7 Box Jumps 24/20 Score = total # of reps __________________________ Open Prep (optional) Compete the following for time: Bike 100 cals (time cap: 9:30/10:30)
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Strength/ Skill Dungeness 3 rounds not for time: Dips x 5-10 reps Barbell row x 6 reps Wall walk x 3 reps Octopi 3 rounds not for time: Weighted Dips x 3 reps Barbell row x 6 reps HS Walk x max distance WOD Dungeness 10 Minute AMRAP: 10 Alternating step-ups 24/20 7 Single arm DB Push press right arm 40/25 7 Single arm DB Push press left arm 10 Burpees over the dumbbell Octopi 10 Minute AMRAP: 10 Alternating Pistols 7 Single arm DB Push press right arm 50/35 7 Single arm DB Push press left arm 10 Burpees over the dumbbell
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Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 @ 80% WOD Complete 3 rounds of the following for time: 400 meter run 15 KBS 70/53 12 C2B Pull-ups
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