Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 100 Meter jog10 Ring rows3 Inchworms WOD Teams of two 20 Minute AMRAP: 400 Meter run5 Shoulder to overhead 155/10510 Pull-ups15 Sit-ups One partner runs awhile the other completes as many reps of the movements as possible. Pick up where the other left off after each run.
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Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 100 Meter jog10 PVC overhead squats10 Sampson lunges10 Ring rowsStrength/Skill Overhead squat or Front squat 7-7-7-7-7 WOD 10 Minute AMRAP: 25 Burpees50 Wall balls 20/1425 Hang power cleans 135/95
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Warm-up 3 Sets: 10 Sit-ups10 DB Floor press:15 Bar hang10 Mountain climbers Strength/skill Bench press 8-8-8-8-8 WOD Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes (4 sets of each): Minute 1 – 100 Meter farmer carryMinute 2 – 10-15 Toes to BarMinute 3 – 10-12 Cal skiMinute 4 – 10-15 Defecit Push-UpsMinute 5 – Rest
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Warm-up 3 Sets: 10 Pineapple pickers100 Meter jog50′ Skipping high knees10 Goblet squats Strength/skill Four sets of: Deadlift x 7 reps @ 20X1Rest 20 secondsTall Box Jumps x 5 reps(land as high and soft as possible, then step down, reset and repeat – the goal is to jump as high as possible on every repetition)Rest 2 minutes between sets WOD 10 Minute ARMAP: Run 1 mileMax calories on any machine in the remaining time Scale run to a distance you can complete in under 8 minutes
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Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: :15 Bar hang:15 HS or plank hold8 Reverse Snow Angels Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 10 @ 55%8 @ 60%6 @ 65%4 @ 70%4 @ 75% -Complete 5 DB rows per arm after each set. WOD For time: 2,000 Meter row20 Shoulder-to-overhead 115/7575 Double-unders15 Shoulder-to-overhead50 Double-unders
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