Wednesday 12/2/2020

Watch the video below and please consider taking a minute to tell Congress to assist small gyms in the next relief bill. You can quickly fill out the form here

Sign-up for our online classes HERE


1 Minute jog, row, bike, jumps rope, jog in place


3 Sets:

5 Single arm strict shoulder press, any object
10 Sit-Ups
Lateral Panther Crawl x 5 steps in each direction




EMOM for 10 Minutes

Station 1 – :30 HS Hold or :30 Push-up Plank Hold
Station 2 – Single Arm DB Row x 8 Reps each arm


Complete the Following for Time:

40 Ground-to-Overhead
*Perform 5 Burpees every minute, starting at the 1:00 mark.

Use any object available to you. Barbell, Log, Weighted Back Pack, DB’s, KB’s etc…