Tuesday 8/24/2021

Gyms are included in the latest mask requirement beginning this week. We ask that you wear a mask while inside the gym, but we also understand if you need to pull it down to breathe during the workout. We ask that you try your best helping us follow the rules which allow us to remain open, and not get fined. Thank you!


3 Sets:

5 Cal Row or Bike
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Air Squats


Complete 4 Sets, Not For Time:

Strict Pull-Ups or Strict Weighted Pull-Ups x 5 Reps
HS Hold or Plank Hold x 15-30 Seconds
Tuck Hold or Hollow Hold x 15-30 Seconds


Complete 4 Sets for Max Reps:

:30 Row or Bike for Calories
Rest :30 Seconds
:30 DB Thrusters 50/35
Rest :30 Seconds
:30 Toes-to-Bar
Rest :30 Seconds