Thursday 4/7/2022

Learn more about why we chalk our feet for split jerks here


3 Sets:

100 Meter Jog
100 Meter Pec Walk
5 Bottoms Up KB Press


Split Jerk Footwork

-Chalk feet jumping and landing positions
-Perform 10 perfect reps with hands at side
-Perform 5-10 reps with pvc, bar, or light weight


Split Jerk (scale with push jerk)

2-2-2-2-2-2 Weight By Feel

-Don’t increase weight unless it looks/feels good.


Complete 4 sets, Not for Time:

Bench Press x 4 Reps
Supine Barbell Row x 5 Reps
High Box Jump x 3 Reps (perform as singles, rest between each rep)

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