Do you ever wonder why we chalk our feet and focus on footwork whenever we have split jerks on the menu? Keep reading to find out!
For beginners, this is the place to start! Before we put any weight over our heads, we want know what our feet doing and where they’re going. For our experienced lifters, this is a great review and warm-up before adding weight.
Whether we’re working with a PVC pipe or performing a max effort jerk, we want to know that our feet are consistently in the right place.
If you’re like me, your first attempts at a split jerk probably resembled a push press with your feet split apart. By chalking our feet we feel proper depth in the jerk so we know we’re actually driving ourselves underneath the bar, rather than muscling it over our heads.
How to chalk your feet for split jerk foot work
Come to class the next couple Thursdays and we’ll show you how!
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