Thursday 1/23/2020

Below are some temporary changes to yoga classes to due schedule conflicts:

Thursday 1/23 – 6:30 PM (instead of 4:30)
Saturday 1/25 – 9:00 AM
Sunday 1/26 – 9:00 AM
Tuesday 1/28 – 6:30 PM (instead of 4:30)

Dungeness & Octopi

Shoulder Press

15 Minutes to build to a heavy single

Compare to 9/19/2019


9 Minute AMRAP:

3 Thrusters 95/65
3 Toes-to-Bar
6 Thrusters
6 Toes-to-Bar
9 Thrusters
9 Toes-to-Bar

Keep increasing the reps by three until time expires.