WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, complete a 22 minute AMRAP: 60 Cal bike50 KB deadlifts 70/53/arm40 Goblet Lunges 70/5330 Partner med ball sit-ups 20/14Read More
Warm-up 2 minute bike, row, ski then… 3 sets: 100 Meter jog10 PVC pass through lunges:20 Bar hang Ring rows10 Squats Strength/Skill 5 Sets: High hang snatch + hang snatch + snatch WOD 3 rounds for time: 40 Cal row or ski20 Wall balls 20/1410/8 Strict Pull-UpsRead More
Warm-up 2 minute bike, row, ski then… 3 sets: 10 Sit-ups10 Ring rows10 Squats50′ Skipping high knees Strength/Skill 5 Sets: High hang clean + hang clean + Clean WOD 4 Rounds for time: 7 Power cleans 135/9510 Toes-to-barRead More
Warm-up 2 minute bike, row, ski then… 2 sets: :15 Plank or HS hold5 Bottoms up kb press20 Single-unders Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 10@60%8@65%6@70%4@75%3@80%10@50% -Complete 5 DB rows per arm after each set. WOD 10 Minute AMRAP: 10 Single DB Hang power cleans to OH 50/3510 Buprees over DB20 Double-unders -Switch arms as needed for DB...Read More
WOD Teams of two complete an 18 minute AMRAP: 400 Meter run5 Ground to Overhead 135/9510 Deadlifts 135/9520 Air squats One partner completes the run while the other completes as many rounds of the work as possible. Partners alternate after each run.Read More
Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 PVC pass through lunges:15 HS or plank hold20 Banded pull aparts Strength/Skill 5 Sets: High hang snatch x 5 WOD 4 Rounds for time: 10 Power snatches 75/5512 Burpees over the barRead More
Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Air squats10 Sit-ups100 Meter farmer carry WOD Every 90 seconds, for 30 minutes (5 sets of each): Station 1|10 Toes-to-barStation 2|12/10 Calories of Assault BikeStation 3|100 Meter D-ball carryStation 4|15-20 Wall balls 20/14Read More