Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: :20 Jumps rope10 Sampson lunges20 ring rows10 Air squats Strength/skill Snatch 12 Minutes to build to a hevy single or work on technique WOD For time: 40 Calorie bike50 Double-unders20 Back squats 185/13550 Double-unders40 Calorie ski Compare to 11/21/2024Read More
Update: Power is still out. Afternoon classes are canceled unless something changes The CrossFit Open is coming up and we’ll be completing the workouts each Saturday morning (8:30 & 9:30 classes) along with a themed pot luck style brunch. At the end of this year’s open we’ll be drawing a raffle for a couple lucky...Read More
Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Goblet squats10 Pineapple pickers10 Ring rows:15 Bar hang Strength/skill Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 75% WOD 9 Minute AMARP: 15 Push press 95/6520 Air squats5 C2B pull-upsRead More
Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Dynamic scorpions20 Mountain climbers20 Banded pull aparts Strength/skill Bench press 10-8-6-4-2 weight by feel WOD 10 Minute AMRAP: 5 DB Up-downs 50/355 DB Deficit push-ups5 DB Hang Power cleans Compare to: 11/30/2023Read More
No 6:30 pm due to the holiday. Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Goblet squats10 Pineapple pickers10 Ring rows:15 Bar hang Strength/skill Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 70% WOD For time: 1,000 Meter Row30 Toes to Bar30 Single DB Step-Overs 20″; 50/35Read More