
Click HERE to check out our new online store Access our weightlifting, endurance and home wods at Beyond the Whiteboard. Crate a free account using our code: NXNW736 Warm-Up 2 Sets: :30 Mountian ClimbersRest :10:30 Goblet SquatsRest :10:30 Skipping High KneesRest :10 Then, 2 Sets: 5 Front Squats5 Push Press5 Thrusters5 Power Jumps5 Hang Power Cleans Stretch/Mobilty WOD Against a 2 minute clock, complete 6 sets of the following: 10 Thrusters15 Sit-UpsHang Power Clean x Max Reps Rest 2 Minutes between each setScore = # of HPC Equipment Scaling & Modifications Thrusters & Hang Power Clean Barbell, Dumbbells, KB’s, Weighted Back Pack, or any odd object
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Read about at-home pull-up modifications HERE Sign-up for our online classes HERE Warm-up :20 Tip Toe Walk:20 Running High Knees:20 Skipping High Knees Then, 2 Sets: 10 Dynamic Pigeons20′ Bear Crawl, Forwards20′ Bear Crawl, BackwardsLunge Matrix x 2 reps each leg shoulder/running mobility WOD “Nicole” 20 Minute AMRAP: 400 Meter RunPull-Ups x Max Reps Equipment modifications Scale today’s pull-ups with body rows or DB/random object rows. Click HERE for some ideas. Run scaling options: 20 cal bike500m row50 jumping Jacks or mountain climbers:90 jogging in place200 single unders
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Click HERE to check out our new online store hosted by Fully Amped. They will deliver our shirts to your door and provide a larger selection that what we have at the gym. Access our weightlifting, enudrance and home wods at Beyond the Whiteboard. Crate a free account using our code: NXNW736 Warm-Up Preform 3 Sets of the following: :20 of Shoulder taps(scale on elevated object, box, couch etc…)Rest :10:20 of Sit-upsRest :10:20 of Air SquatsRest :10:20 of ScorpionsRest :10 Stretch/Mobility WOD Complete the Following for Time: 100 Push-Ups* *Complete 15 Air Squats each time you have to stop, pause, or your push-ups get ugly. Avoid forcing reps where you’re shortening the range of motion (chest to the ground to straight elbows), or your swaying your lower back.*Pro tip: It’s not a bad idea to break your push-ups early to avoid hitting a wall.*Scale by performing your push-ups on an...
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Click HERE to check out our new online store hosted by Fully Amped. They will deliver our shirts to your door and provide a larger selection that what we have at the gym.
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Join us Monday in our online classes to complete workout 2 of CrossFit HQ’s online competition/fundraiser Warm-Up GENERAL WARM-UP:⁣⁣ Work for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, alternating between each movement:⁣ Hop in Place ➞ Plate Hops ⁣Scap Push-ups ➞ Push-Ups⁣Air Squats⁣Squat Thrusts⁣⁣ Suggestion: 2-3 rounds, increasing the pace and/or movement difficulty each round) ⁣⁣SPECIFIC WARMUP:⁣ Double Under “Penguin Drill” ⁣⁣ :30sec Jump w/ Single Hand-taps (without rope)⁣:30sec Jump w/ Double Hand-taps (without rope)⁣1min Single/Double Under Practice or Jumping Jacks⁣ ⁣Burpee Warmup⁣ 10 Stepping Back/Stepping Up⁣10 Jumping Back/Stepping Up⁣10 Jumping Back/Jumping Up⁣ ⁣⁣ WOD For time:100 double-unders21 burpees75 double-unders15 burpees50 double-unders9 burpees Time cap: 15 minutes
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