Warm-Up 2 Sets: 5 Calorie Row10 Pineapple Pickers5 Dynamic Scorpion3 Stationary Inchworms Strength/Skill 5 Sets: High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch(Weight by Feel) WOD EMOM Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes (4 Sets): 10 Calorie Row (online sub with 100 meter run)10 Alternating DB Snatch 50/3520 Air Squats ____________________________________________________________ Sweat Warm up 3 Sets:1/2 Manmaker preview, no DB’s(Plank, push-up, row, deadlift)10 Banded side-steps10 Sit-ups WOD15 min. AMRAP Every 3 min. 3 burpees 1/2 Manmaker with DBs20 Skiers10 air squats
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