
Warm-up 3 Sets: :20 Plank10 Pineapple Pickers5 Calorie Row Strength/Skill Complete 5 Sets: 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats WOD Complete the Following For Max Calories: Row 1 MinuteRest 1 MinuteRow 2 MinutesRest 2 MinutesRow 3 MinutesRest 3 MinutesRow 4 Minutes _____________________________________________________________________________ Sweat Class Warm up 3 Sets::60 jog or jacks:15 plank:15 inchworms:30 Air Squats WOD :20 work :10 restFor 20 minutes Air squatsPush upsSit upsPull ups/ ring rows/ DB row
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Warm-up 3 Sets: :20 Plank10 Pineapple Pickers10 Calorie Row WOD 7 Minute AMRAP: 20 Sit-Ups20 KBS 53/3520 Calorie Row Rest 3 Minutes 7 Minute AMRAP: 20 Sit-Ups20 KBS 53/3520 Calorie Row
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Warm-Up 2 Sets: 5 Calorie Row10 Pineapple Pickers5 Dynamic Scorpion3 Stationary Inchworms Strength/Skill 5 Sets: High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch(Weight by Feel) WOD EMOM Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes (4 Sets): 10 Calorie Row (online sub with 100 meter run)10 Alternating DB Snatch 50/3520 Air Squats ____________________________________________________________ Sweat Warm up 3 Sets:1/2 Manmaker preview, no DB’s(Plank, push-up, row, deadlift)10 Banded side-steps10 Sit-ups WOD15 min. AMRAP Every 3 min. 3 burpees 1/2 Manmaker with DBs20 Skiers10 air squats
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In Person & Online Warm-Up 3 Sets: 20 Jumping Jacks3 Inchworms20 Mountain Climbers Strength/Skill EMOM for 8 Minutes 5 Push Press (from the ground) WOD 3 Minute AMRAP: 5 Pull-Ups5 Burpees Rest 2 Minutes 3 Minute AMRAP: 5 Pull-Ups5 Burpees Score = total reps Join one of our online classes for instruction and equipment modifications
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In-Person CrossFit Class (Scroll down for online and sweat classes) Warm-Up Complete 3 Sets: 10 Mountain Climbers10 Slow Air Squats5 Dynamic Scorpions WOD Complete 6 Sets, Not For Time: Front Squat (from the ground) x 8 RepsHollow or Tuck Hold x Accumulate :30 SecondsBanded Pull-aparts x 20 RepsGrasshoppers or Mountain Climbers x 20 RepsBottoms-up KB Press x 5 Reps Each Arm ___________________________________________________________________________ Online CrossFit Class Warm-Up Complete 3 Sets: 10 Mountain Climbers10 Slow Air Squats5 Dynamic Scorpions WOD Complete 6 Sets, Not For Time: Front Squat (from the ground) x 8 RepsHollow or Tuck Hold x Accumulate :30 SecondsBanded Pull-aparts x 20 Reps Or DB rows x 10 RepsGrasshoppers or Mountain Climbers x 20 RepsBottoms-up KB Press x 5 Reps Each Arm Or Single Arm Strict Press x 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ Sweat Class Warm-up 2x10 mountain climbers10 pineapple pickers10 lunges WODRepeat the workout 2 times through: 4min. AMRAP10 deadlifts20 plank tap-outs...
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