Wednesday 8/12/2020

-Please remember to register for classes! We may not have a spot open if you just show up.

-If your class is full, please sign-up for the wait list. We will try our best to get you in the class.If you are registered for a class and aren’t going to make it, please, please, please, cancel your reservation as soon as possible! You might be taking the spot of someone who can attend.

-We kindly ask you enjoy the summer weather outside If you arrive early and the previous class is still working out, or we are cleaning/preparing the gym for your class.

-Please respect other’s space and maintain distance. Wear your mask anytime you are not in your workout square. This includes: using the bathroom, filling your water bottle, grabbing equipment, and while you’re entering and leaving the gym. If you forget to bring one, we have some at the front desk, for free.


3 Sets:

Row 125 Meters
5 High Hang Power Cleans, Empty Bar
5 Front Squats, Empty Bar
5 Dynamic Pigeons


Complete the Following For Time:

1,000 Meter Row


6 Rounds of…

5 Power Cleans 135/95
7 Front Squats 135/95


800 Meter Run

20 Minute Time Cap