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3 Sets:
Mountain Climbers x :30
Air Squats x 10 @22×1
Hollow Hold x :15
Superman Hold x :30
EMOM for 21 Minutes (7 Sets):
Station 1 – Burpees x 8 Reps
Station 2 – Bear Hug Back Pack Squats x 12 Reps
Station 3 – Back Pack Sit-Ups x 10 Reps
Scaling and Equipment Modifications
-Adjust your reps for each movement to allow 20-30 seconds of rest before moving on to the next movement.
-If you don’t have a backpack, use DB’s, KB’s, Barbell, or other object and perform front squats.
-Scale the back pack sit-ups with regular sit-up, or substitute any weighted object for backpack.