Warm-up Bike or row 3:00 slow:15 Plank:15 Bar hang20 Walking lungesBike or row 2:00 moderate:15 Tuck hold:15 Bar hang20 Walking lungesBike or row 1:00 fast:15 Hollow or Tuck hold:15 Bar hang20 Walking lunges WOD EMOM 21:Min. 1 | 10/8 Calorie bikeMin. 2 | Accumulate :20 L-Sit holdMin. 3 | Max reps burpee pull-ups Score = Burpee PU reps. Perform BPU to a 6″ target. Scale L-sit with tuck hold or plank. Reduce bike calories by 2 reps until they can be completed within :45.
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Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski then, 2 Sets: 50′ Bear crawl50′ OH DB walk/arm50′ Running buttkicks50′ Skipping high knees Strength/Skill Push Jerk 3-3-3-3 80% WOD Dumbbell DT 5 Rounds for time: 12 DB deadlifts 50/359 DB hang power cleans6 DB push jerks-Use two DBs. -Do not drop DBs
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Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski then, 3 Sets: 20 Mountain climbers10 Reverse lunges:15 Bar hang Strength/Skill Back squat 3-3-3-3 85% WOD Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes: 10 Plate burpees 45/3510 KB goblet squats 53/3510 Plate ground to overhead
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Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike, Row, or Ski Then, 3 Sets OH Plate Hold Sit-Ups x 8 RepsReverse Lunges x 8 RepsReverse Snow Angels x 8 Reps Strength/Skill Split Jerk Footwork -Chalk feet jumping and landing positions-Perform 10 perfect reps with hands at side-Perform 5-10 reps with pvc, bar, or light weight Then, Split Jerk (scale with push jerk) 3-3-3-3 Weight by feel -Don’t increase weight unless it looks/feels good. WOD Teams of two, 3 rounds for time: 400 Meter medicine ball run 20/1424 Power snatches 115/8018 Burpees – Partners run together and switch off carrying ball as needed.– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 extra burpees before continuing.
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 3 Inchworms:10 Bar Hang10 Mountain Climbers20 Banded Pull Aparts Strength/Skill 10 Minutes to work on gymnastics skills of your choice Examples: 3 Sets: :30 HS Hold5 Toes-to-bar EMOM 10 Minutes Station 1 – Ring RowsStation 2 – Sit-ups WOD “Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Bench Press (body weight/ 3/4 body weight)Pull-ups Rest as needed between movements & sets Score = total reps Compare to: 2/11/2023
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