Strength/Skill 5 sets: Clean 3 75%2 80%1 85%1 90%3 75% WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time Medince ball run to gazeebo 20/1430 Push press 95/6520 Burpees30 Push Press80 Calorie bikeRead more
Warm-up 2:00 bike row ski 3 sets: :20 plank:20 bar hang5 bottoms up KB press Strength/Skill 6 Turksih get-up or turkish sit-up:30 HS hold3 Broad jumps WOD 3 Rounds for time: 10 Hang power cleans25 Sit-ups400 Meter runRead more
WOD Every 5 minutes, for 40 minutes (2 sets): Station 1 – 35/30 Calorie bikeStation 2 – 15 D Ball to shoulder 100/70Station 3 – 800 Meter rowStation 4 – 200 Meter farmer carry 70/53Read more