Strength/Skill Dungeness Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 Octopi Clean 3@60% 3@65% 3@70% 3@75% 3@65% -Reset after each rep. Do not complete as touch-n-go. WOD Dungeness Complete 4 rounds for time: 5 Front Squats 155/105 10 Deadlifts 10 Burpees over the bar Octopi Complete 4 rounds for time: 5 Front Squats 185/125 10 Deadlifts 10 Burpees over the bar
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Strength/ Skill Dungeness & Octopi 4 rounds not for time: Shoulder Press x 5 reps Rope Climbs x 3 reps Hollow Hold x accumulate 30 seconds WOD Dungeness Complete 2 sets for max reps: 1 Minute of Rowing calories Rest 1 Minute 1 Minute of Stationary Dips Rest 1 Minute 1 Minute of Wall Balls 20/14 Rest 1 Minute 1 Minute of Strict Pull-ups Rest 1 Minute Octopi Complete 2 sets for max reps: 1 Minute of Rowing for calories Rest 1 Minute 1 Minute of Ring Dips Rest 1 Minute 1 Minute of Wall Balls 20/14 Rest 1 Minute 1 Minute of Strict Pull-ups Rest 1 Minute
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Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Back Squat 10 sets of: 3 Reps @ 70% WOD “Helen” Complete 3 rounds for time: 400 Meter run 21 KBS 53/35 12 Pull-ups
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WOD Complete congo-line style in teams of three, with each partner completing 3 rounds of the following: 800 Meter Row 40 KBS 50/35 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs 24/20 Partner A begins, and as soon as they have completed the 1000 meter row, Partner B may get on the erg and begin their 1000 meter row. Partner B may only advance to the next station once the person ahead of them has completed the task and moved to the next station. Partner A may begin the 2nd round only after partner C completes the row.
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Open Workout 18.4 Complete a 7 Minute AMRAP: 3 Thrusters 100/65 3 C2B Pull-ups 6 Thrusters 6 C2B Pull-ups 9 Thrusters 9 C2B Pull-ups 12 Thrusters 12 C2B Pull-ups – Keep increasing reps by 3 until the 7 minutes are over.
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