Strength/Skill Dungeness Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 Octopi Clean 3@70% 3@75% 3@75% 3@80% 3@70% -Reset after each rep. Do not complete as touch-n-go. WOD Dungeness Complete 3 rounds for time: 12 Front Squats 135/95 15 Stationary Dips 15 Burpees over the bar Octopi Complete 3 rounds for time: 12 Front Squats 155/105 15 Ring dips 15 Burpees over the bar
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Dungeness & Octopi Strength/ Skill 5 rounds not for time: Shoulder Press x 2 reps (build to a heavy double) Bat Wings x 5 reps @1113 OH Plate sit-ups x 10 reps WOD Complete a 7 Minute AMRAP: 10 Pull-ups 7 Push-press 115/80
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Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Back Squat 8 sets of: 3 Reps @ 75% WOD Complete the following for time: Run 400 Meters 40 Walking Lunges 15/10 Push-ups 10 Squats Run 400 Meters 30 Walking Lunges 15/10 Push-ups 20 Squats Run 400 Meters 20 Walking Lunges 15/10 Push-ups 30 Squats Run 400 Meters 10 Walking Lunges 15/10 Push-ups 40 Squats 18 Minute time cap
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WOD In teams of two, alternating each movement, complete ten rounds for time: 400 Meter Run 40 Air Squats 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs 24/20 40 Minute time cap Partner A runs 400 meters; Partner B performs 40 Air Squats; Partner A performs 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs etc…  
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Dungeness Strength/Skill Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 Octopi Snatch 3@65% 3@70% 3@70% 3@75% 3@70% -Reset after each rep. Do not complete as touch-n-go. WOD Dungeness Complete the following for time: 50 Calorie row 20 Power snatches 115/80 Octopi Complete the following for time: 50 Calorie row 20 Power snatches 135/95
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