Strength/Skill Clean 3-3-3-3-3 80% WOD Teams of two, alternate full rounds to cpmplete a 15 minute AMRAP: 3 Front squats 155/1056 Burpees9 KBS 53/35Read more
Warm-up 2 minute bike, row, ski then… 3 sets: 20 single unders:30 plank10 Samson lunges Strength/Skill 4 sets: Single arm KB Front rack carry x 100mHS hold x :30Alternating pistols x 12 reps WOD “Annie” For time: 50-40-30-20-10double-underssit-ups Compare to: 3/28/2024Read more
Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Sit-ups:15 Bar hang20 Banded pull aparts5 Calorie row or ski WOD 5 Rounds, not for time: 10 Bench press10 Toes-to-bar10 DB Reverse lunges 50/35 each arm10 DB Rows each armRead more