Warm-Up 1 Set: 2:00 Bike or Row (slow)20 Air Squats20 Shoulder Taps 1 Set: 1:30 Bike or Row (med)20 Reverse Lunges20 Mountain Climbers 1 Set: 1:00 Bike or Row (fast)20 Walking Lunges10 Inchworms Strength/skill Complete 4 Sets for Quality: :30 Rope Climbs or Rope Pulls:30 Rest:30 Wall Walks:30 Rest:30 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups:30 Rest WOD 12 Rounds for Calories: :30 Bike:30 Rest Compare to:5/2/2024
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Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 10 Sampson lunges5 Bottoms up KB press10 Ring rows Strength/Skill Push press 6-6-6-6-6 65% WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: 40 Calorie row or ski30 Kettlebell Swings 53/3520 Box Step-ups with KB 20″
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Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: 100 Meter jog10 Mountain climbers10 PVC passthrough lunges Strength/Skill Back squat 6-6-6-6-6 65% WOD 3 Rounds for time: 400 Meter run10 Power snatches 115/75
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Warm-up 2 Minute Bike, Row, or Ski 3 sets: 10 Pineapple pickers100 Meter jog:15 Bar hang WOD Teams of two, one person working at a time, 20 Minute AMRAP: 20 Deadlifts 225/15520 Toes-to-bar50 Box step-ups 24/20″
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Warm-up 2 Minute Bike, Row, or Ski 3 sets: 20 Banded pull aparts5 Bottoms up kb press:20 Plank or HS hold:20 Bar hang Strength/Skill Bench press 12 Minutes to build to a heavy single or work on technique WOD “Newport Crippler” Complete the following for time: 30 Back Squats 225/1551 Mile Run Compare to: 4/5/2024
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