Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Air squats10 Sit-ups100 Meter farmer carry WOD Every 90 seconds, for 30 minutes (5 sets of each): Station 1|10 Toes-to-barStation 2|12/10 Calories of Assault BikeStation 3|100 Meter D-ball carryStation 4|15-20 Wall balls 20/14
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Warm-Up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 Sets: :15 Bar hang:15 HS or plank hold8 Reverse Snow Angels Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 10 @ 55%8 @ 60%6 @ 65%4 @ 70%4 @ 75% -Complete 5 DB rows per arm after each set. WOD For time: 2,000 Meter row or ski20 Single arm DB push press 50/3575 Double-unders15 Single arm DB push press50 Double-unders
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Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Goblet squats20 Mountain climbers10 Pineapple pickers10 Ring rows Strength/skill Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 85% WOD 9 Minute AMRAP: 12 KB goblet box step-ups 53/35 20″10 Pull-ups
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WOD In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 400 Meter Run (together)30 KBS each while partner holds Leaning Rest on Rings20 Goblet squats each while partner holds bar hang10 Wall Walks (5 each)
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Warm-up 2:00 bike, row, ski 3 sets: 10 Sit-ups5 Single arm ring rows/arm10 Pineapple pickers WOD Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for times: 400 Meter Row or ski8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/356 Toes-to-bar Score = slowest set
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