Wednesday 6/30/2021


3 Sets:

100 Meter Jog
5 Yogi Push-Ups
5 Bottom-up KB Press


5 Sets, Not For Time:

Strict HSPU x 5-7 Reps (scale with seated barbell press x 5)
Alternating Pistols x 12 Reps (scale with goblet reverse lunges)
Banded Tricep Pull-Down x 20 Reps



Complete 3 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run
21 KBS 53/35
12 Pull-Ups


Sweat class

Warm up 3X
:30 jog/ row
10 pineapple pickers
3 inchworms


3 rounds not for time

8 dips
8 DB row each arm
8 DB squats


10 min. AMRAP

8 push ups
10 sit ups
12 walking lunges